Abstracted and contributed by Rena Ransom
The following are extracts from the Painesville Telegraph
July 10, 1906, page 2:
Surnames mentioned:
Eggleston Hubbard Willman Lowe Luce Bacon Core Patterson
Crody Rogers Loomis Eminger Hambden
July 9.
1.) Orin Eggleston has recovered from the
2.) Elmo Hubbard and wife, Bert Willman
and wife, Mr. L. Lowe and daughter, Merta,
attended the Luce reunion in Windsor.
3.) Everett Bacon and wife of Warren visited his
parents, P.C. Bacon, recently.
4). Glenn Core of Montville spent the Fourth at
the Patterson home.
5.) Mrs. Levi Crody of Montville is spending
some time with Mrs. Willman and calling on other
6.) Mr. Charles Eggleston has reshingled his
7.) A.L. Patterson has repaired his barn. Delos
Rogers reshingled his house and while he was on the
scaffold it fell, bruising him badly and breaking one rib.
8.) Miss Nina Loomis of Montville is spending
some time with her sister Mrs. Earl Eminger.
Surnames mentioned:
Cowles Maynard McNaughton Chamberlain Morley
Geauga County
1.) A hurry call came to Sheriff Cowles
from Hambden on the evening of the Fourth. The call urged the
sheriff to hurry up, as a "drunken man is killing his
family!" The sheriff hurried up, but when he arrived at
Hambden he found no trace of bloodshed and no evidence that
anybody's life was in jeopardy. He did learn, however, that a
good citizen had been to Painesville, and walked a little
unsteady. The sheriff also found the unsteady man's wife and
children enjoying themselves with the crowd, well and hearty. So
the hurry call was altogether too previous, and the sheriff rode
home to Chardon pondering on the wild whims that come into some
people's heads as soon as they get their mouth to a telephone.
2.) Married-At the residence of Justice
M. L. Maynard and by him July 2, Mr. Ralph McNaughton of
Claridon and Miss Ethel Chamberlain of Hambden.
3.) Upwards of forty members of the Chardon
Research club spent a delightful day at Bass Lake on Friday, 6th
inst. They had much to say in praise of the excellent dinner
provided for them by the manager, John Morley,
and of boat rides enjoyed on the beautiful lake.
4.) On the evening of the Fourth the Chardon
people made some fine displays of fireworks, balloons and other
Fourth of July ammunition, but it was noticed that the cannon
cracker or bombs were not in evidence in Chardon on the Fourth.
That's why we had no accidents.
The following are extracts from The (Painesville) Telegraph July 11, 1906, page 2:
Surnames mentioned:
Allen Bedient Bigalow Burr Cashen Clark Covill Croft
Cushman Dayton Denton Everett Folsom Gretton Griffith Henry
Holoday Hotchkiss Lloyd McKough Morgan Morse Murphy O'Brien
Patterson Proctors Sidley Skinner Spencer Stamms Stetson Vogel
Waldison Webster Whitney
Thompson Topics
South Thompson
1.) South Thompson July 9.--Mr.
and Mrs. Elton Skinner of Collinwood were guests at W.
J. Murphy's Sunday.
2.) Ladies Aid society of Montville M. E. church
will meet with Mrs. L. W. Everett, Wednesday
afternoon, July 18.
3.) Mabel, little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Webster, has been seriously ill.
4.) Stamms and Proctors recently entertained
relatives from Akron.
5.) The Fourth passed off very quietly here. The
Visiting club met in John Morse's orchard and
entertained themselves with ice cream and cake. Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Gretton entertained fifteen of their friends
in the evening. They had a nice display of fireworks. Homer
Spencer, Walter Lloyd and Roy
Morse spent the day in Cleveland.
6.) Mrs. Lizzie O'Brien and children of
Painesville were recent guests of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Croft.
7.) "Dame Rumor" says Philo
Folsom and Mr. Hotchkiss were married
last week.
8.) The Bedient family are entertaining a
relative from Streetsborough.
9.) The Holoday family have moved back to the
10.) Mrs. Electa Griffith of Rock Creek is
visiting relatives here.
11.) Alfred Sidley of Youngstown was in town
last week.
12.) Arthur Bigalow recently lost a horse.
13.) Mrs. Katie Burr and little daughter of
Chardon spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
14.) Mrs. Marie Morgan and Miss
Lizzie Cashen were in Painesville one day last week.
15.) The Vogel families are
entertaining friends from Cleveland.
16.) Frank Croft, who has
employment in the Brown Hoist Co. of Cleveland, spent the Fourth
at home.
17.) Miss Lily Henry has returned from Fairport.
18.) James Clark, an old resident of this place,
died in a Cleveland "Home" for old people, recently,
aged eighty-six years.
19.) Mrs. Frank Morgan and son,
Henry, visited her daughter, Mrs.
Waldison, over Sunday.
20.) Mr. and Mrs. Cushman and
son of Namphta, Idaho, visited her aunt Mrs. E. E. Allen,
the past week.
21.) Norman Whitney is working for E. F.
22.) Mrs. McKough is
entertaining a friend from the city. Our neighborhood is quite a
resort for city people through the warm weather.
23.) Some of our people attended the carnival at
24.) Harold McKough of
Cleveland and Miss Denton of Chardon spent the
Fourth at John McKough's.
25.) Will Covill and Mr. Patterson
of Collinwood spent Sunday at S. Covill's.
26.) Horace Folsom and wife from one of the
western states are visiting relatives here.
The following are extracts from The (Painesville) Telegraph July 12, 1906, page 2:
Surnames mentioned:
Allyn Battles Bliss Cashen Clark Dayton Denton Dodge Eddy
Fuller Gifford Grant Gretton Harvey Hazen Heath Hills Hope Hudson
Johnson Maynard McCullum Metcalf Miner Morgan Moseley Murdock
Nichols Nutt O\rquote Brien Parks Phillips Quayle Reed Rogers
Scott Spencer Stevens Thompson Tinklepaugh Toop Wallace Whipple
Whitney Wilson Wyman
Geauga County
1.) Chardon, O., July 12-Edwin Hope
and wife of Huntsburg recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of
their wedding.
2.) The Wilson family reunion
was held one day last week at the home of H. T. Clark
and wife in Huntsburg.
3.) L. E. Whitney and wife of Chagrin Falls
visited his parents, V. E. Whitney and wife on
4.) Henry Thompson and wife of Middlefield
visited friends in Oberlin this week.
5.) A Middlefield reporter says: "A
Cleveland base ball fan, attending the games here on the Fourth,
was given the water treatment for a severe attack of boozeitis,
by Dr. Murdock." That's a new name for it.
6.) Fred Grant, Fred Thompson
and Judd Heath of Middlefield are in Michigan on
a hunting trip.
7.) Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Will McCullum
of Auburn, a son, July 4.
8.) Pioneer picnic at Lake Punde rson, August
31. Music by the South Newbury band.
9.) John Bliss and family of North Dakota, are
visiting A. Bliss and wife in Burton.
10.) The Geauga county old home reunion at
Burton, August 2.
11.) Egbert Tinklepaugh, a
pharmacist of Franklin, Pa., spent the Fourth with his parents at
Burton Station.
12.) P.D. Reed of Burton, a
member of the Middlefield lodge, Knights of Pythias, has been
reappointed district deputy chancellor commander of that order.
13.) Mrs. Oliver Denton and daughter, Maude,
of Leavensworth, Kan., were guests of N. F. Moseley
and wife of Thompson last week.
14.) Forrest Allyn and Bernice
Quayle of Chardon were recent visitors at Perry
Quayle's in Thompson.
15. A band of gypsies camped in Huntsburg last
week. They received a cool reception and passed on to
16.) John Dodge and wife of Painesville and a
friend, Mrs. Eddy, spent several days at Joint,
last week.
17.) Fifty or more neighbors of A. S.
Hudson and wife of West Chardon called on them with
well-filled baskets on the Fourth. There was ice-cream and cake
galore, followed by a fine dinner, after which there was a feast
of music.
18.) Dr. C. O. Hudson, wife and
daughter of Painesville and Misses Carrie and Ruth Hudson
of Nottingham were recent guests at Asa Hudson's.
19.) There was a fine display of fireworks at
B. F. Wallace's store in Bostwick on the evening of the
20). Dellie Whipple of Bostwick
visited relatives in Painesville last week.
21.) Ethel Gifford of South
Russell is ill with nervous prostration.
22.) Guy and Hazel Stevens of Painesville
visited at Porter Bruce's in Montville last
23.) Delos Rogers of Hambden fell from a
scaffold and fractured several ribs. Nem Scott
of Hambden also broke a rib while trimming a hedge for Arthur
24.) Mr. Warren Spencer of
Claridon is reported sick.
25.) The celebration of the Fourth in Claridon
was a great success. A great crowd in attendance, a splendid
program of amusements. Fine address by Rev. T. D.
Phillips. Great fun and no disorders or accidents.
26.) Mrs. C. E. Morgan and Lizzie Cashen
of South Thompson were visitors in Painesville. Thursday, last
27.) Will Hills and family of
Chardon spent the Fourth at A. F. Gretton's in
South Thompson.
28.) Mrs. Lizzie O'Brien and
children of Painesville was a recent visitor with friends in
South Thompson
29.) Fred Harvey and Minnie Nichols were
married at the residence of M. L. Miner, J.P.,
in Bainbridge one day last week.
30.) O. T. Battles and wife
fished at Aquila Lake on the Fourth.
31.) K. of P. excursion from Chardon to
Put-in-Bay Thursday, July 19.
32.) Misses Eina Toop, Kittie
Nutt and Claudine Fuller left Chardon
for Chautauqua on Monday.
33.) Geo. W. Denton of Chardon
left for Chautauqua on Wednesday to fill an engagement with
Dana's orchestra as a musician. Expects to be absent six weeks.
34.) M. L. Maynard, Esq. and
wife spent the Fourth in Cleveland.
35.) Judge W. S. Metcalfe is
attending the meeting of the Ohio Staate Bar Association at
Put-in-Bay this week, where he will deliver an address.
36.) Mrs. Guy Wyman and little daughter of
Painesville are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Hazen of Chardon.
37.) In a game of ball at Lake Punderson on the
Fourth, Chardon defeated Burton, score 8 to 1.
38.) Miss Mabel Dayton of
Painesville was with Chardon relatives on the Fourth.
39.) Mrs. Chas. Parks of
Painesville was a recent visitor with relatives in Chardon.
40.) Chardon Band played at Claridon on the
41.) There is a good prospect for apples, grapes
and peaches.
42.) There were thirteen marriage licenses
issued in Geauga county in June, as against sixteen in June,
The following are extracts from The (Painesville) Telegraph July 13, 1906, page 2:
Surnames mentioned:
Alexander Arnold Barlow Behm Benedict Benjamin Bergh
Binnig Boss Bower Bradway Chaffe Corlett Cowin Crocker Davi s
Dewey Ellis Elverton Fredebaugh Fuller Gilbreath Glines Keener
Kenyon Kerber McClean Nye Ober Olds Proctor Ross Sidley Smith
Sullivan Towell Tuttle Van Gorder Wheeler Wilber Wilcox Williams
Wilson Wright
Thompson Topics
1.) Thompson, July 12.--Several
ladies of the Congregational Aid society accepted an Invitation
to attend the Footville Baptist church, which was entertained
Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Proctor.
2.) At their last meeting the board of education
decided to engage as principal of Thompson high school, Prof.
Harvey H. Kenyon of Oneonta, N. Y.; teacher for grammar
grade, Mr. Kenneth Cowin; for primary grade Miss
Kittie Sullivan. Miss Anna Tuttle will
teach at Bostwick, Miss Jennie Chaffe at East
3.) Very encouraging street railwa y rumors are
still floating about town.
4.) Thompson boys played ball last Saturday with
the Leroy "Bare Feets". The game was played on Thompson
grounds and resulted in a score of 6 to 7 in favor of Thompson.
5.) Mr. W.C. Van Gorder came from Warren to
remain for several weeks with his son, Mr. Edgar Van
Gorder, and family.
6.) Mr. Harry Towell spent the Fourth with his
family at the home of Mrs. R. B. Chaffe.
7.) Mrs. May Corlett of Painesville who has been
a guest of her mother, Mrs. W. Benedict,
returned to her home last Thursday.
8.) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson of LeRoy were
guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gilbreath. Mrs.
Wilson remained for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs.
Matilda Gilbreath.
9.) Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox and mother of Hartsgrove
were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wilber.
10.) Messrs. H. Fuller and J. Fredebaugh
of Richmond were in town last Saturday.
11.) Mr. D. Williams of Hamden has been a guest
of his cousins, Mssrs. Roy Elverton and Walter Olds.
12.) Mr. Nelson Arnold and lady
friend of Geneva were Thompson visitors last Thursday.
13.) Mr. John Gilbreath was at
home over the Fourth.
14.) Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Keener, Mr. C.
G. Keener and family, Mrs. G. J. Binnig
and children, Mr. and Mrs. L. Behm and children
of this place, and Mr. H. M. Bower and family of
Trumbull were Fourth of July guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. Ross of South Madison.
15.) A family party was enjoyed the Fourth at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith.
16.) Following are the names of three young
gentlemen who entertained their friends the Fourth with
pyrotechnical displays: Mr. Louis Chaffe, Mr. Charles
Crocker, Mr. Paul Smith.
17.) Some of our young people spent the Fourth
at Madison Park, others at Cold Springs.
18.) Mrs. Barlow and granddaughter of
Washington, D.C., who have been guests of Mrs. Barlow's sisters, Mrs.
E. A. Davis and Miss Kate McLean,
returned to Washington, last Monday.
19.) Mrs. E. A. Wilber was a
guest last Sunday of her son, Mr. Fred Wilber
and wife of Geneva.
20.) Mr. H. Bergh of Cleveland,
formerly of this place, spent the Fourth with Thompson friends.
21.) Mrs. Boss of Newbury was a
guest last Thursday and Friday of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Kerber.
22.) Messrs. H. H. Gilbreath
and F. G. Dewey were Painesville visitors last
23.) Mr. A. L. Wilber had
business in Painesville last Friday.
24.) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nye
were guests recently of their daughter, Mrs. E. Benjamin
and family of South Madison.
25.) Mrs. A. G. Sidley and
Messrs. Mark and Norman Sidley returned to North
Madison last Thursday.
26.) Mrs. H. R. Tuttle, who has
been seriously ill, is improving. Her daughter, Miss Mildred
Tuttle, is suffering from the effects of a badly burned
hand. She is attended by Dr. W. P. Ellis.
27.) Mr. and Mrs. David Alexander,
who were recently called to Cleveland by the serious accident to Mr.
Caldwell Alexander, returned to Thompson last Monday.
The many friends at this place of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
learn with feelings of regret that they intend soon to leave
Thompson having purchased a fine residence at Rock Creek.
28.) Mrs. R. B. Chaffe, Miss Jennie
Chaffe, Messrs. Chrys Sidley and F. G. Dewey
transacted business at Chardon last Monday.
29.) Mrs. George Wright was a
Madison visitor Wednesday.
30.) Mr. Wm. Bradway of the Home at Sandusky, is
visiting Thompson comrades
31.) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler and son, George,
of Cleveland are enjoying the country air with friends at the
32.) Mr. and Mrs. A. Ober of
LeRoy were guests last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. S. Glines
Copyright 2002 by Rena Ransom and Alice Allen
Copying for personal use is permitted. Copying for personal gain is prohibited, except by the express written consent of the submitter.