Diary of Mary Elizabeth Churchill--1862-1863

This is a transcription of the Diary of Mary Elizabeth Churchill, a daughter of Orville Sylvester Churchill and Sarah M. Van Auken. Mary was born 20 February 1843 in Streetsboro OH, married 13 August 1866 to Abram Harrison Stafford in Chardon OH, and died 24 January 1926 in Painesville OH.

Note: Some of the original spellings of words have been kept and some have been changed to make the reading easier. "Elder Jayne" may actually be "Elder Payne" as Mary's capital letter scripts are very fancy.

Michael Harrison Stafford
A Great Grandson
October 17, 1994

August the __st 1862

Had a locket presented to me by Abram H. Stafford - August the 13th. On 14th - Abram Stafford left home for Camp Cleveland. He enlisted in the 105 Reg.

17th Received a letter from Abram and answered it the same day.

20th I went to Cleveland and came home the 21st.

Abram Stafford was transfered August 25 from the 105 Reg to the 103 Regiment. I received a letter from Abram Wednesday August the 27 from Cleveland(?).

Abram Stafford received a furlough from the 25th to the 30th.
The 28th he was to my school. The 30th he left home again to try camp life.

30th We had company. Mrs. Stafford, Mrs Hazen, Mrs Tucker and Fannie Allen were to our house. Mrs. Stafford gave me a note of ninty dollars left with her by Abram Stafford to give to me to keep for him till he come back or for myself if he dont come back.

September the 1st 1862

Concord. We had a nice rain. I stared so Ms Days had a Siberian crab apple presented to me by Mary E. Day.

Sept 2nd Received a letter from Abram Stafford written Aug 31st and answered it the same day received.

3rd Went to lake Erie to a picnic. Rode with Mr. Elijah Brown.
Came back through Painesville.

4th Nothing more than common has taken place - am staying to Mr Clay Brown today.

5th Nothing has happened uncommon.

6th Nothing has taken place uncommon - only is has rained so that I have got to stay to Mr. Days.

7th Sunday. Went to Wilsons corners to quarterly meeting. Went to Mr. Alaxanders - had an introduction to Miss Prouty - it rained hard.

8th Received a letter written the 5th from Abram Stafford. He was in Covington. He left Cleveland the 3rd.

9th I wrote to Abram Stafford. Staid to Mr. Browns that night.

10th Went to Mr. A__y Browns and practiced on a melodion.

11th There was several men started from Concord to go to Cincinatti today. I am staying to Mr. Peases.

12th Nothing uncommon has taken place today. It is very cold. I am staying at Mr. Peases.

13th It is very cold today. Have had my stove fired up in my school house. I came home with Uncle Ira. Mary Day came home with me.

14th Sunday. Harmony & Patty Stebbins came here today to go to Sabbath S with us. I went to Mary Shattriks and got some peaches & plums to eat. Mrs. Grant sent me some watermelon and a large peach. I am at home tonight.

15th I have received two letters from Abram Stafford. One was written the 9th, the other the 12th. I answered them and went to the corners to put it in the office. Mary Day and I rode over
with father on his two white gigam - staying to Mr. Days. Mr. Dower is here.

16th Nothing more than common has taken place. I am staying to Mr. Hirles tonight.

17th Wednesday. I had company - Mrs. Carl and Nelly Hill. I staid to Mr. Carles. It is the second day of the State Fair.

18th My school has closed today. Elmora Emerson, Sarah Hick, Clarkie Nel were there. I staid to Mr. Elyah Browns.

19th I maid several calls about the neighborhood of Concord. I called to Mr. Nyes & Mr. Soomises, Mr. Emersons and went from there to Mr. Browns. He got my pay for me and took me to Mr. Days. I staid there over night. I received a letter from Abram written the 14th and 15th. I had an introduction to a Mr. Moses Smith of Hamden.

20th Mr. Day and Mary came home with me. I received a letter from William Churchill written Sept 14 & 15th. I wrote a letter to Abram and one to Willie. I went down to Mr. Staffords a little while this forenoon.

21st Sunday. Elder Jaynes & Elder Chapman visited our sabbath school. Sophrona came here and took supper.

22nd We done a very large washing today. It has been very warm today. Mother had her feet measured to a pair of shoes.

23rd I went to the aid society and scraped lint all the afternoon. Mrs. Grant & Mrs. Tucker were here in the forenoon a visiting. It is very warm today.

24th I went to Mrs. Busnells a visiting in the forenoon. I went to town to trade some. When I got there I found all the folks from Parkman there & Leroy Simons and his father & mother. Staid
to the war meating in the evening. Had a good speach from the Chaplain of the 42 Reg.

25th I commenced to make me a dress. Went to an evening meting to the school house. Elder Jaynes preached.

26th I went to a parring bea to Mrs. Shattucks in the evening. Went a visiting to Mr. Grants in the afternoon.

27th We have had company today. Yerusia and Ellen. It is cool weather. Mr. Staffords folks received a letter from Abram. I went down there to read it.

28th Sunday. I have received a letter from Abram Stafford. It was written the 20th and 22nd. I have answered it. I sent him 4 postage stamps. I am all alone tonight. Our folks have all gone to the war meating to town.

29th Nothing uncommon has taken place today.

30th There was an aid society today to the school house. I did not go. We had company. Aunt Martha and Miss Mary A. Smith were here. It is the first day of the Panesville Fare.

Wednesday October 1, 1862 I went to Panesville with Mr. Staffords people. Bought a bonnet - paid $5.00 for it. Bought a dress for $3.00. It is a red Delain(e). Bought a pair of shoes and doll and got a ring mended.

Thursday Oct 2nd We had company today. Twas Fannie Allen & Mrs. Stafford. Went to meating in the evening.

Friday Oct 3rd I received a letter from Abram H. Stafford written Sept 26th.

Sat 4th I answered the letter I received yesterday. Went down to Mr. Grays in the evening to practis singing a little.

Sun 5th I went to town to Meating. Received another letter from my Dear Abram and came around by Uncle Iras and stoped there. Alis was sick. I stoped to Mr. Staffords to read the letter to
them. Went to Meating in the evening - Elder Chapman preached.

Monday 6th Mother went to Panesville with Mary & Smith came around by the carding machine and got the roles. Had company - Mrs. Olonza. Watros - he was of work here a cutting up corn for

Tuesday 7th Mother got in a peas of Frill cloth and sheets for Mrs. Tailor. I went to the aid society.

Wednesday 8th I went up to the Wescotts to help her quilt on an album quilt. I wrote a letter to Abram Stafford and sent it to town.

Thursday 9th Nothing uncommon has taken place today. Mother went over to Uncle Iras to see Clio.

Friday 10th I went down to Seicldies? to borrow a sleave pattern and went from there to Nancies to a drink of sweet cider. Mother has made over a cloak that she bough of Mrs. Grant.

Saturday 11th I went to town to a Sabbath School convention. Went with Mrs. Grant. Received two letters - one from Abram - the other from Mary Day. Commenced one to Abram.

Sunday 12th I finished the letter I commenced yesterday and wrote one to Mary Day. I went over to Uncle Iras to see how Alis was. Went to Meating in the evening. Elder Wooderd preached.

Monday 13th I have been a washing some weaving some and sewing some. I should have finished my dress if it had not been for a mishap so that I had to wash it and leave two button holes to

Tuesday 14th I went to the Aid society to the School house. I made a pocket handkerchief and scraped some lint. There was not many there. I helped sweep.

Wednesday 15th I ironed and had company. Mary Ann Smith and Amity was here. She brought back my ring that she borrowed sunday for the wear that evening. I received a letter from my Dear A. H. Stafford and wrote the same day and next to him.

Thursday 16th Mother Sarah & I went down to Mrs. Allens a visiting and to warp a peace for dresses for the children - had a good visit.

Friday 17th 1862 I went to town with Fannie Allen. We both had a tooth extracted. I received a letter from my Dear beloved A. H. S. We called to Mr. Mitchems and to Dr. McBrides School. We
got Emmas hat that she had done over. I bought a quire of paper. Mr. and Mrs. Tailor were here a visiting this afternoon. Fannie stoped and took supper before she went home. Emma went with her.

Saturday 18th Mother and I went a visiting with Mrs. Wescott to Mr. Coolies the grocery man. I got in a peace to weave for the children some dresses - it was quite pleasant.

Sunday 19th I staid at home all day and wrote to Abram Stafford.

Monday 20th Mother went to Aunt Marthas to have her come over to see her peice that she is a weeving to see if she can make it spring.

Tuesday 21st I went to the school house to the aid society but there was no one there. Mrs. Stafford came up to it and came here and staid a while. She brought up some yarn to coller for my Dear Abram some mittens.

Wednesday 22nd Fannie and I went to Town - got our likenesses taken. Saurris? went with us. I received a letter from my Dear Abram Stafford. Went down to his folkses that evening.

Thursday 23rd Fannie H(?)atty, Sarah and I went down to Mr. Smiths to see Harmony. We called to Mr. Branconriges and had some peaches to eat - we had a good visit. Commenced a pair of
mittens for Abram S.

Friday 24th We had company today. Mrs. Tucker, Mrs. Hazen & Dotha were here. Mrs. Allen came up to see our peace that is in the loom and spend the afternoon. I received a letter with a $20 secish bill in it from Abram H. Uncle Ira came over here tonight to have Mother to and wach with cousin Sarah. She is not expected to live. She has the Diptheria with the Croup. Ma has gone. Mary A. Smith was taken with the Diptheria tonight.

Saturday 25th Sarah Warner died this morning. Mother was there all day. I had a real time getting the cows out of the garden. I got wet to my knees. It has snowed all day long. I have commenced a letter to my Dear Abram Stafford.

Sunday 26th I finished the letter to my Dear Abram. I shall send my likeness in it to him. I attended Sarah Warners funeral and staid to take care of Mrs. Mary Ann Smith. I had an
introduction to Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Edson. Mrs. Edson staid and took care of her till 12 oclock and then Uncle Ira.

Monday 27th Mr. Talor & Mrs. Tailor came here to see Mary A. Smith. Mr. Edson called just at night to see her. Mrs. Von watched with her. Mr. & Mrs. Smith called in the evening.

Tuesday 28th Elder Tailor came after his wife. Mary is better. Elder Jaynes came to see her. He had been down to the Protestant Schoolhouse to preach.

Wednesday 29th I have received a letter from my Dear Abram and written to him.

Thursday 30th Nothing uncommon has taken place. My patient is recovering.

Friday 31st I received another letter from Abram Stafford written 26th.

November Saturday 1st Nothing very uncommon has taken place. Father came here this evening to see how Mary Ann Smith is a getting along. She is better.

Sunday 2nd Reuben took me home. I wrote to my dear A. H. Stafford. Went to Sabbath School. It was the last one. Grandfather staid to our house he had been to Uncle Iras and was caught in a storm. Fanny Allen staid with me.

Monday 3rd I went again to my Uncles. We had company in the evening. It was Mr. & Mrs. Von. Mrs Smith called there a latter while.

Tuesday 4th Nothing uncommon has taken place. I am still at my Uncles.

Wednesday 5th I received two letter today. One from Abram and one from William. I came as far as Mr. Staffords and staid all night. I wrote to my dear soldier boy. I slept in Abrams room.

Thursday 6th Mother and I went to Harles a visiting. I went to Dr. McBrides literary society in the evening. I received another letter from Abram Harrison Stafford - Frankfort Ky. Mr. Stafford
sent a box of things to A.H.S.

Friday 7th I went up to help Mrs. Grant clean house. Mr. Carver was there to work. He gave me an invitation to visit Henrys school.

Saturday 8th Helped clean house today again. Mrs Grant gave me an artamiten blossom to send to A. H. Stafford & I commenced a letter to him.

Sunday 9th I finished the letter I commenced and wrote to William. Mr. & Mrs. Stafford came up to hear me read a letter. They staid and took tea with us. Elder Wooderd & his wife called here before meating. He preached. Fanny came here to have me direct a letter for her Ed. Went home with Harmony.

Monday 10th We have washed and quilted a peticoat quilt for Cynthia.

Tuesday 11th We quilted another quilt today. Mother and I went up to Mrs. Wescotts a visiting. Mrs. Stafford was there. I received a letter from my dear soldier boy.

Wednesday 12th We have been quilting again today. Emma had company. Adelia Mc Arthur was here. They met tonight to commence their debates. I have written A.H.S..

Thursday 13th Sarah & I went to town. I bought some elastic ribbon & cut a sleve pattern from Mrs. Martials - rode home with them. Went to a paring bea to Mrs. Shattucks. She had a husking
bea the same night. Ed went home with Harmony.

Friday 14th I went over to Uncle Iras to see M. A. Smith. She was at Mr. Vons. I went there to see her. When I got home I found a letter from Abram H.

Saturday 15th I went to town. We bought Sarah a dress and trimings for both. I received a letter from my dear soldier boy A.H.S. I went down to Mr. Staffords to help them pair apples. Mr. & Mrs. Wescott & Mrs. Waltros was there.

Sunday 16th I wrote to Abram Stafford. Mary A. Smith came here & spent the evening with us.

Monday 17th Our winter school commences today. Miss Bell teaches. We commenced to clean house.

Tuesday 18th Nothing uncommon has taken place today. It is stormy.

Wednesday 19th I have written to Abram Stafford. It is storm yet and bad weather.

Thursday 20th I received a letter from A.H.S. We finished cleaning house - all but putting down the carpets. Mother & I went down to Mr. Staffords in the evening.

Friday 21st Nothing uncommon has taken place today. It is stormy yet.

Saturday 22nd We have done a large days work. Ironed - blacked a stove - baked - cleaned our carpets - put down and boiled in a barrel of cider. I received a letter from Abram & one from my
Cousin Willie.

Sunday 23rd We have had company. Mr. & Mrs. Stafford came up here to hear a letter read. Elder Wooderd preached in the evening. I wrote to Abram S. & William C.

Monday 24th Professor Dunbar came down & sung with us. There was a lode from town came down with him. He is a very good singer.

Tuesday 25th We put down the bedroom carpets. I went down to Mr. Grays a visiting.

Wednesday 26th I received a letter from my dear soldier boy. I went to the debate in the evening.

Thursday 27th I spent my thanksgiving at home making collars.

Friday 28th Miss Bell has been turned out of school today. Mrs Stafford came up here to hear a letter read.

Saturday 29th Mother and I went over to Uncle Iras a visiting. Mary A. Smith was not there. She was over to Mrs. Smiths a sewing so we did not see her at all.

Sunday 30th I wrote to my dearly beloved Soldier boy Abram H. Stafford. Emma and I went down to Mr. Staffords to see if they had got a letter. They had not. Mr. Tucker came there to see if
they would let Miss Bell come back.

Chardon Mon December 1st 1862 I commenced to make Sarahs sead dress. Father Mother and I went down to Harle Hosferds in the evening. I received a letter from my dear A. H. Stafford.

Tuesday 2nd Mrs Cowles called here to get a sleve pattern. Mrs. Stafford came up to hear a letter read.

Wednesday 3rd I have finished Sarahs dress & commenced mine. We have had company today. It was Mrs. Breconridge. Our school commenced again today. Mrs. Gray is teaching. I have written to my A. H. Stafford.

Thursday 4th We have had company today. Elder Jeans and his wife and Martha Warren were here. I went down to Mr. Staffords & Mother & Sarah went down to Mr. Tuckers. She staid all night.

Friday 5th I received a letter from Abram & one from Will. Mother went up to town. Emma went down to the Brick school house to a sign. Professer was not there.

Saturday 6th I have attended Mr. Kents funeral. It is very cold. I have written to my soldier boy Mr. Abram H. Stafford.

Sunday 7th Nothing uncommon has taken place. I went to the school house to hear E. Wooderd preach. He was not there. They had a prayr meating.

Monday 8th I receive a letter from my lovely Abram containing his likeness. Hariot Bail has been here all day & is a going to stay all night.

Tuesday 9th I went to town a foot. I got a case for Abrams likeness & I bought a pound of crackers to send to him. I went down to Mr. Staffords in the evening to take down some things to put in the box. I sent a letter in the box.

Wednesday 10th I have had company. Laura Bushnell has been here. Sevis & Melissa came here after school. Father & Mother have been to Panesville. Father got him a suit of cloths. I saw
John Allen at the debate. Uncle Ira & Aunt Martha have been here.

Thursday 11th We have had company today. Mrs. Mitchem & Mrs. Ward. Hariot Bail staid over night with us.

Friday 12th I have received a letter from my Abram H. Stafford. It is verry (usual spelling) warm for this time. It is real muddy. I am agoing to write to my lovely Soldier boy A. H. S.

Saturday 13th We have made soap. I have finished my red Delain dress.

Sunday 14th I have finished the letter to my Abram. I wrote to Uncle Wm Cox. It is warm & rainy.

Monday 15th It is story & bad - it rains. I have made me a garibaldi shirt. It remains warm.

Tuesday 16th This morning the ground was all covered with snow. I have made Sarah a shirt. Uncle Moses has been here. He came after a hog. He staid all night with us. I have received a
letter from my lovely Soldier boy Abram H. Stafford.

Wednesday 17th It is pleasant but cold. We have washed. The teacher is staying here. I have written to my A.H. Stafford.

Thursday 18th I have received a letter from my soldier man A.H. Stafford.

Friday 19th Mother has gone to town. We had some company. Mrs Stafford & Mrs Allen are here. Sophrona, Lois & the teacher are here to supper from the school. We all went to the school house to hear Mr. Canfield give a description of his travails in the south.

Saturday 20th Father Mother Sarah & I have been to Hunson a visiting. Father & Mother went to Mr. Brainerds. Sarah & I went to Mr. Weills. We came back & stoped to Grandpas a little while
when I got home. I found a letter from my dearly beloved A. H. Stafford.

Sunday 21st I have written to my A.H.S. & also to William Churchill.

Monday 22nd Nothing uncommon has taken place. We have washed.

Tuesday 23rd I went to the school house to see if they were a going to get up a writing school. They had a spelling school after Mr Rider got through. It is warm & very muddy.

Wednesday 24th John Allen has been here. Father & Mother has gone to the donation at Elder Jaynes. I have written to my A.H.S.

Thursday 25th I attended a mite society at Mrs Shattucks. The Bride & Groom were there. Ed and Harmony were married Dec 22 at Huberd Church.

Friday 26th The teacher staid here. We all attended a writing school but the teacher was not there & he had a spelling school.

Saturday 27th Mother went to Mr. Stibbins a visiting. John Allen came here - spent the afternoon & night. I received a letter from my dear Abram Stafford.

Sunday 28th I have written to A.H.S. I have been to Meating this evening. John Staid here again tonight. Elder Jaynes preached. He staid here all night tonight.

Monday 29th We have washed & I have finished binding my bed quilt. I have received a letter from Mr. Abram H. Stafford.

Tuesday 30th I attended a mite society at Henry Tuckers. They got $1,00 (?). Mother has been down to Mr. Clarks. It has been very stormy - it snowed.

Wednesday 31st I have written to my lovely soldier boy A. H. Stafford.

Chardon Jan 1st A.D. 1863 Thursday I went to school this afternoon. Mr. Rider commenced a writing school this evening. He came here to take tea.

Friday 2nd We have had Co. today. Adelaid & Mrs Gray have been here. I have been to writing school. I received a letter from Sarah Cox & a paper from A.H.S. Uncles Ira & Moses & Aunts Mary & Martha came here this evening.

Saturday 3rd We have had company today. Mr. & Mrs. Grant & John Allen & me have had threshers. I attended writing school. I have received a letter from A. H. Stafford. I have written to my A.H.S. I sent him some of the wedding cake.

Sunday 4th Mr. & Mrs. Stafford came here to hear a letter read. We had a meating in the evening. Elder Jaynes preached. He called here after meating.

Monday 5th We washed. I went to town. I called at elder Jaynes. I bought 50 cts worth of postage stamps. There was a spelling school. The teacher staid here.

Tuesday 6th I received a letter from A.H.S.

Wednesday 7th I knit a little mitten to put into the grab bag. Mrs. Osborn called here & Patty Stebbins came here & staid all night.

Thursday 8th I attended the mite society at Mr. Cowlses. They had a grab bag. I got a ragbaby. They got $2.55. I received a letter from Will.

Friday 9th I have attended a writing school. Nothing of any account has taken place.

Saturday 10th The teacher came here to supper. I received a letter from my A. H. Stafford. I attended writing school.

Sunday 11th I have been to town to meating. Elder Jaynes preached here tonight. I did not go. I staid at home to write to my lover A. H. Stafford. Mr. & Mrs. Stafford came up to hear
Abrams letter read. It is cold.

Monday 12th We have washed - ironed & baked & got ready to the donation.

Tuesday 13th We have had a donation visit for Elder Jaynes. There was upwards of 50 here but it was rainy. Mr. Willie Marcial was here - a soldier.

Wednesday 14th We have got all straitened up today. We have not done much else. It has rained all day. I have written to my A.H.S.

Thursday 15th It has snowed all day today. Sarah & I went to a party to Mr. Clarks. They had a good time. Was quite a good many there for the weather.

Friday 16th It still snows. There is nothing particular to write.

Saturday 17th I have been to the Hosfords. Father went to Panesville. I had a good visit. I received a letter from my A. H. Stafford.

Sunday 18th I have written to A. Stafford. I went to meeting in the evening.

Monday 19th Father has killed a beef & a hog. Both are to sell. I went to writing school. There was a party to Mr. Carver for Ham Carver.

Tuesday 20th Father & Mother went to Panesville. They bought a set of chairs home. It has snowed and rained all day.

Wednesday 21st Mrs. Stafford has been here a visiting. I received a letter from Mary Day. I have written to my A. H. Stafford.

Thursday 22nd There has been a mite tonight. They got $2.05. I did not go. I had rather stay at home and knit a wrist for my mittens.

Friday 23rd We have been a visiting today. Went to Mr. Hoges. I received a letter from A. H. Stafford. There was a writing school. Mr. Stafford handed me over a note of $25 of Abrams to
keep for him. It was on Ayres & Murray.

Saturday 24th We have been to the Mrs. Osborns a visiting. A Mifs (Miss) Sampson was there. Went to writing school - the last one.

Sunday 25th Mrs. Stafford has been here to hear a letter read. I have written to my lovely boy, Mr. Abram H. Stafford. The snow has all gone in the road so it is bad going.

Monday 26th It has rained all day. Aunt Martha has been here.

Tuesday 27th It has snowed all day. Louis Gray has staid here tonight. Mother went to Mr. Staffords.

Wednesday 28th We have had work folks today. I have received a letter from Mr. Abram Stafford & also written to him. Emma went home with Melissa Coman.

Thursday 29th Mother has been to Mr. Grants today. I have commenced me a pair of stockins. There is a spelling school. I am at home.

Friday 30th I have been to Mr. Staffords. I commenced to foot a pair of socks for Abram Stafford.

Saturday 31st I have finished those socks. I received two letters from Abram. R? Stafford, Mother & Sarah have been to Mr. Wescotts.

February 1st 1863 - Chardon I have written to A.H.S. It has rained nearly all day.

Monday 2nd We have washed. I received a letter form Will Churchill.

Tuesday 3rd I have written to Abram. I went to Mr. Staf. They were gone. I commenced a shimmy.

Wednesday 4th I went to Mr. Staffords a little while & lined his cock heels with cloth. It is cold as blixim. I went to the debate. Mrs. Douglas of Michigan was there.

Thursday 5th They had a mite to Mr. Seth Comans. They got $2.58. I did not go.

Friday 6th I received a letter from A.H.S.

Saturday 7th My folks have gone to meeting at the Protestant Schoolhouse. I commenced to write to my A. H. Stafford.

Sunday 8th I have been to meeting in afternoon & evening. Mrs. Stafford & Mrs. Allen came here a little while.

Monday 9th We have had company. The two Mrs. Churchills. We also went to meeting at the Protestant school house.

Tuesday 10th We went to meeting. There appears to be a good deal of intrest.

Wednesday 11th Mother & I went over to Uncle Iras & went with them to Mr. Crowningshields to meeting. I received a letter from my A. H. Stafford. Staid to Uncles.

Thursday 12th Went to Mr. Vons to meeting & then again in the evening.

Friday 13th I have written to my A.H.S. - also had company - Mrs. Slaiter & Stafford & went to meeting in the evening - saw Mattri Day.

Saturday 14th I received a letter from A.H.S. & went to evening meeting.

Sunday 15th I went to meeting all day & confessed my hope in Christ. Went and staid to Uncles till evening meeting.

Monday 16th We washed. Mother has gone over to go with Uncle Ira to Tompson. Received a letter from my lover & have written to him.

Tuesday 17th Went to meeting in the evening. Mother came home from Ms. Clap.

Wednesday 18th I went with Melinda to Mrs. Searlens to meeting & went home with Aunt Martha after evening meeting.

Thursday 19th Went to Mr. Goodridges to meeting . Staid over all night.

Friday 20th There was no meeting today. I spent this birthday at Uncle Iras. Went in the evening to the Covey school house to meeting. Father went to Uncle Iras after me but I staid there.

Saturday 21st Went to meeting to the school house today & came home after afoot. Received a letter from my dear Lover Mr. Abram Stafford - also wrote to him.

Sunday 22nd It is snowing & blowing at a great rate so that we have got to stay at home. Went in the evening over there.

Monday 23rd We have washed & went in the evening. Mr. Tailor preached.

Tuesday 24th Mother & I went to Harmony a visiting. Emma & I went in the evening over to Mr. Vaughns with him & from there to meeting.

Wednesday 25th I went to school. It was the last day. Martha Warren came home with us. We went to meeting.

Thursday 26th Martha is here yet. She learnt me to make barley corn stitch - a sort of triming.

Friday 27th She is still here. There is nothing of any intrist goin on.

Saturday 28th We went to Covenant meeting. I with 7 others offered my self to the Church & was accepted. I staid to Elder Jaynes. Received a letter from my dear & wrote to him.

March 1st Sunday Went to meeting to town & went home & went in the evening to our school house.

Monday 2nd We have washed. It is cold.

Tuesday 3rd Went to meeting to the protestant school house. Two were received into the church & 9 baptised - I with the rest. Went home with Mary Day. Went in the evening.

Wednesday 4th Called to Mr. Arnolds & went to Mr. Nyes a visiting & to prair meeting in the evening & home with Mary J. Base & staid that night.

Thursday 5th Went to Mr. Loonrises? in the forenoon & to Mr. Haskins in the afternoon - to the rehersal in the evening & staid to Mr. Emersons.

Friday 6th Came to Uncle Moseses from Mr. Emersons. Received a letter from my A.H.

Saturday 7th I have written to my soldier. Sat up all night with Aunt Mary Chapp.

Sunday 8th Sent my letter to the office. Mrs. Searles called here.

Monday 9th We have had company. Mr. W. & A. Chapp & families & Eugene Searles here in evening.

Tuesday 10th I have washed some of the babies clothes. Mrs. Searles called here a little while.

Wednesday 11th I have washed & done the rest of the house work.

Thursday 12th I have had company - out folks were here. Received a letter from my Abram & answered it. Received one from Aunt Mary Van auken.

Friday 13th I have ironed & baked.

Saturday 14th Mrs. Searles called here. Aunt Mary is worse.

Sunday 15th I went home. Found a letter from my soldier. His Mother, Father, Aunt & Uncle came there to hear the letter & Emma Mitchim was there. I gave her a card.

Wednesday 18th Miss Searles & Mrs. Kelso called here. I have washed.

Thursday 19th Have had workfolks sawing wood. Wrote to my A.H.S.

Sunday 22nd Receive a letter from my soldier & wrote to him. It is very warm today.

Sunday 29th I have come home from Aunt Marys. Received a letter from my Abram dear & answered it. It is a dreadful cold day today.

Monday 30th We have washed & Mary Bushnell & Lovinna called here. it is quite warm.

Tuesday 31st Went to Mr. Cloughs a visiting. Daniel was there. We all bid him goodby - expecting never to see him again.

Chardon - April 1st 1863 Wednesday It is rather cold & windy day. I have received a letter from my soldier boy & answered it.

April 22nd Wednesday I came to E. Osborns to work for the summer. Went to meeting in evening.

Thursday 23rd I have written to Mary Day.

Friday 24th Went to meeting in afternoon & evening. Received a letter from my dear soldier boy & also a chart of his Co.

Saturday 25th Went to meeting in afternoon & evening. The subject was the Rubicond - interest was good. Several related their experience & were accepted by Ch.

Sunday 26th I have attended Church all day & evening. Jaynes preached. The text in morning was 2nd Corinthians 5 Chapt 17th verse. Afternoon Hurlbutt preached Ephesians 2nd Chapter 12th
verse. Evening Dulans preached from Luke 11th 22nd. Wrote to my soldier boy A.H.S. I staid after meeting at Mr. Phipses over night.

Monday 27th I came from town a foot & washed. Could not go to meeting tonight. Sarah obtained a hope in Christ the twenty fifth of this month.

Tuesday 28th Nothing of any particular notice has taken place.

Wednesday 29th It has rained. I received a letter from A.H.S. & one from Cos. Will.

Thursday 30th It is pleasant. I attended meeting this evening. Bro. Hurlbutt preached what he called the Auction sermon from Isaah 55 1st verse.

May 1st 1863 Friday We have had company - a Mr. & Miss. Tinker of Nelson. Martha came home sick with the iresipolus. I also went home a little while.

Saturday 2nd Mrs. Ryder came here. I went to Covinant meeting today. Sarah was received as a candidate for imersion.

Sunday 3rd I have written to my dear Lover - also attended Church. Ten were baptised & 25 received the right hand of fellowship. The subject was Jesus Christ & his crusified - 1st
Corinthians 2nd Chap 2nd V. Sarah & Emma were baptised.

Monday 4th I have washed. Elder Jaynes & wife - Elder Ryder & wife have been here.

Tuesday 5th It has been rainy all day. Sauria is staying with Martha. She is getting better.

Wednesday 6th It is still rainy. I have seen my folks a little while. Mr. S. Osborn & wife are staying with Martha. I am going to write to my Soldier boy.

Thursday 7th It has snowed & rained today. Finished the letter I commenced yesterday. It is pleasant tonight - but rather cold.

Friday 8th I have washed & ironed. Sarah Nye has been here - also Elder Jaynes & Saurie & Seacelea. I took care of Martha through the night.

Saturday 9th I have received a letter from my Abram H. Stafford & called on Lousie. Saw her new hat. It has been pleasant today.

Sunday 10th Have attended Church at town - also at the center at 4 oclock. They organized a Sabbath school. Elder Wooderd preached. Went to town in evening. Hurlbutt preached from the
passage "Not withstanding I have ought against - the far thou hast left thy first - love.

Monday 11th I have done a very large washing. It is pleasant.

Tuesday 12th I have ironed. Mrs Osborne commenced a coat. Went to meeting. Text was Ezekiels vision of the vally of dry bones.

Wednesday 13th Have bake pies swep chambers & moped besides all the other housework. Mother came here. I bought a hat, some envelopes & stamps. Went to meeting. Test was Jeremia 8, 20. Hurlbutt preached.

Thursday 14th I done the housework & sowed on Mr. Osborns coat.

Friday 15th Sowed some - knit some & mended my shoe.

Saturday 16th Came home. Met Euginia Simons. Learnt to knit insertion. Wrote to my Soldier boy Mr. A. H. Stafford.

Sunday 17th Attended Church. Mrs. Osborn was immersed. Received a letter from A.M.S.

Monday 18th Washed. Sourie called on us. Cynthia staid here.

Tuesday 19th. Ironed. Commenced cleaning house. Eugenia came here. I went home (with her). Polly & Sauna was there.

Wednesday 20th Received a letter from my lover. We cleaned a bed room - put down parlor carpet - had hat trimed. Mary Cooley called here & Mr. Olvert.

Thursday 21st Finished the rooms we commenced & packed some. Wrote to my Abram H. S.

Friday 22nd I have baked & mended. Mr. & Mrs. Osborn went to Claridon to convention.

Saturday 23rd Cleaned the Siting room & butry. It is pleasant.

Sunday 24th Attended Church. Elder Brown Spoke from Seam? 1st 12 & Chaplain of colord regiment in afternoon at Methodist house.

Monday 25th I have done a large washing. Received a letter from my dear soldier boy. Got company from Nelson.

Tuesday 26th We have cleaned the chambers. Its pleasant.

Wednesday 27th We have put down the sitting room carpet, moved the stove & finished the chambers.

Thursday 28th Cleaned kitchen. Mrs. Warren came here & Martha went home with her.

Friday 29th Had workfolks. Went to town. Bought a pair of shoes at $2.00, a pair of mits three schillings. Had a box given to me. Received a letter from A.H.S.

Saturday 30th It sprinkled a little this morning. We have had workfolks.

Chardon June 1st 1863 Monday I have washed. It is cold & unpleasant. Mr. Stafford handed me a note to keep belonging to Abram Stafford against Ayres & Murray of $30.00

Tuesday 2nd I have moped & baked & done a churning besides the rest of the house work.

Wednesday 3rd Received a letter from my A.H.S. Have ironed & baked pies cakes.

Thursday 4th Have baked & mended besides the other house work for workfolks. Wrote to A.H.S.

Friday 5th I have churned, sowed some. Sourie (Lourie?) called here.

Saturday 6th I have baked. Went to Covenant meeting. Bought a Bible for 55 cts. Went home. Mrs. O. is not well.

Sunday 7th Went to Sabbath school meeting & church. Attended comunion. Martha came home.

Monday 8th Helped wash - baked, moped to. It is cool & lovely today.

Tuesday 9th I have baked & sowed on apron for Donnie.

Wednesday 10th Attended meeting. E. Hurlbutt preached. Received a letter from Abram H. S. & one from Will.

Thursday 11th Have written to my A.H.S. It is cool & rainy. I have churned today.

Friday 12th I have baked pies - a lemon mopect. Laurie Sampson & Hariot came here. Mr. Osborns folks have gone to Nelson & Parkman.

Saturday 13th I have baked - churned - mended. Received a letter from Abram H. Stafford.

Sunday 14th Attended Church. Also came home. Went to Mrs. Bushnells. W. Rogers came to Mr. Osborns. Hattie also staid there.

Monday 15th Went to town at night. Bought cloth for a garibaldi.

Tuesday 16th Washed. Maria came here & Martha came home.

Wednesday 17th I have ironed & came home & pached some & wrote to A.H.S.

Thursday 18th Have called on Mrs. Wescott. Mrs. Stafford called here. I have been sewing some.

Friday 19 Have made a garabaldi. Called on Mrs. Wyman.

Saturday 20 Have been sewing all day. Mother has gone to Ravenna. Received a letter from my Abram H. Stafford.

Sunday 21 Attended Church. It has rained & is cold. I have written to my Dear soldier.

Monday 22nd Have washed. Laurie came here & we went strawberrying.

Tuesday 23 Have made soap. I went a strawberrying & ironed some.

Wedneday 24th Finished ironing. Sowed some & went a strawberrying.

Thursday 25th It is pleasant & warm.

Friday 26th Have sowed - been a berrying & Laurie & Cynthia came here.

Saturday Have baked, moped, fixed sleves & Miss & Mrs Osborn came - also Martha. Received a letter from A.H.S. Rained.

Chardon Sept 29th Helped make a chicken pie & attended a general training. Miss Mary Wells was here. Mrs. Osborn went to Parkman a visiting - a going to stay one week.

October 1863 Wednesday 14th An Uncle came from Michigan. Came where I was at work. I went home with him.

Thursday 15th Went to town with Uncle Abe - got his likeness. He also gave me 40 cents. Mrs. Osborns sister came a visiting & husband & another gentleman.

November 15th Came home from Mr. Osborns.

16th Went to town & traided some - got two dresses. Sarah had a tooth out. Spent the evening at Elder Jaynes.

December 2nd 1863 Went to a donation visit at Elder Jaynes.

4th Went down to Panesville - bought cloth for a cloak. Also some cotton & a nubea some buttons.

5th Went to Covenant meeting. Had a cloak cut & staid in town all night. Seavira Metcalf was received by the Church.

6th She was immersed.

7th Polly, Eugena, & Elder Jayne & wife were here a visiting. Had meeting at the school house.

9th Elder Jayne hucked corn all day. Emma went home with him. I went too & staid to meeting.

10th Mr. & Mrs. White, Mrs. Clough & Mrs. Churchill were here a visiting.

12th Went to town - staid all night. Finished Es dress.

13th Came home went to M.C-A.N - wrote to Soldier boy.

14th Wrote to Mary E. Day.

16th Went to Panesville with Father & Mother to take the cars for Ind.

22nd Mrs. Stafford has been here a visiting. Miss Seavira Metcalf & Mr. Collens was married. Miss Hattie Taylor & Mr. Horace Griffain was married.

23rd Nothing of importance has happened today.

24th Receive a letter from Father & Mother stating that Cousin Sarah Cox was married last week.

25th Augusta Weeb called here this evening a little while. I purchased a book - title The bridal Boquet, two flower vases & two small teakettles & licris. Mrs. Stafford called here
Received two letters from A. H. Stafford. Called at Mr. Coolies & heared of Mrs. Seacies marriage.

26th Went to Town on a load of wood. Went into the Dogrreving Gallery - bought a diary & led pencil - went to church meeting.

Sunday 27th Went to Church. Saw the two brides - Mrs. Allen & Griffain. Sarah staid until evening. Had an excellent prair meeting.

Mon 28th Have washed & churned & moped.

Tues 29th Have baked some. Mary Ann, Sophrona, Seais & Augusta were here visiting. Had a good visit with them. Cyntha & Viola went to Mr. Staffords.

Wednes 30th Got the hogs into the pen Ironed. I am sowing on my plaid dress.

Thursday 31st Have baked a cake & finished my dress. This the last day of 63 has been a stormy day. It has rained & snowed. I did not go to the mite - it was to Mr. Cowles - had quite a large

This year has come & gone. Many has been the joys which it has brought - This the first year of our pilgrimage in the service of Christ. How many happy hours have we spent at Church, in Prair
meetings & also in Sabbath School & in the society of Christians. Oh how long shall we remember the spring of 1863. Many helpless souls were made to rejoice by the out pouring of the blessings of
God in Chardon & North Chardon & also in Concord & we heard of God's working in the army - which gladned our hearts & many other blessings have we enjoyed.

Yet our cup has been mixed bitter with the sweet. There has been sorrows with the joys. We have friends in the army for which we have had many sad thoughts of their sufferings in battles, of
hunger, of cold. Oh how many cold & stormy nights have they suffred - half naked perhaps & how many poor fellows has froze to death standing at their post in defence of their Countries rights
which have been trampled upon by the rebbles of the south. Not only by the Rebbles of the South but also by the Copperheads of the North & how long will be remembered that traitor
Vallandingham & his followers & how long will they regret the step they took when they voted for him & how many brave boys have fallen in defence of their once Glorious Republic. This the year
James Nelton (Melton?) fell.

Then we have been sad to see some that started in the service of Christ with us leave their first love & grow cold & indifrent in the cares & we fear some are forever lost. Some of our young
friends have removed to the far west, some have married. This year has brought forth many changes & among the other changes we expect to have to part soon with our Pastor & wife. Oh how it panes the heart to part with friends - those with whom we have held sweet counsil & have felt to put our trust in them as friends in Christ. How sad it makes us feel to part with them - yet if it is Gods will may we try to say - thy will not our O God be done.

Yet happy the thought & promises if we live right - we shall meet in that upper & better world where there will be no parting - nothing to grieve us - where all tears are wiped from our eyes &
we are in the presence of our God & Savior & the holy Angels are our companions. Our prair is that we may ever live as we shall wish we had when called to die.

Thus the year has come & gone & we must say farewell old year with thy joys & sorrows. We must bid adieu & prepare for the next year. To the 1864 we would say we welcome you & oh may you be a year long to be remembered on account of the great work which thou shalt bring forth.

Oh may not this be a year to be remembered by the poor blacks of America. May this be the year in which this wicked & cruel war shall close & peace be restored to this Republic & the poor &
faithful soldiers be restored to their families & homes.

Memoranda kept by Mary E. Churchill

This diary has been donated to the Geauga County Ohio USGenWeb project by Mike Stafford . Copyright 2000 by Mike Stafford and Alice Allen.

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